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Cooking with Your Honey

Cooking with your significant other is a great alternative to an expensive date night and a good opportunity to learn new cooking skills together (or practice patience if one of you is considerably more skilled than the other). Rich and I love to try new recipes, so I decided to start a monthly blog series sharing the best recipes we’ve found in blogs and magazines.

I’m more experienced in the kitchen, but Rich has been learning a lot as he has more time to cook during the week. He usually picks one to two new dishes to try each week. We store all of our recipes in a google spreadsheet, and we have a large collection of tested appetizers, entrees and desserts. The following links are some tasty (and easy!!) dishes we think you should try.

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner

{a href="http://www.chow.com/recipes/11607-bourbon-steak-sandwich" target="_blank"}Bourbon Steak Sandwiches{/a}

Bourbon Steak Sandwich
This sandwich is not your typical brown-bag sub. I could not stop eating the bourbon-marinated steak stacked between the ciabatta bread. We added gruyere cheese to accompany the roasted peppers and homemade tarragon mayonnaise called for in the recipe. This is a sandwich we’ll be sure to make again.

Thai Shrimp Halibut Curry
Rich and I have tried numerous curry recipes, and this is by far the best one we’ve made. The shrimp and halibut are a great alternative to classic chicken curry. This recipe is so delicious Rich might be able to convince me to stay home and make this rather than going out to our favorite Indian restaurant.

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner

Thai Shrimp Halibut Curry Picture by Rich Kalasky

Grilled Chicken and Corn Salad With Avocado and Parmesan
Maybe it’s my Nebraska roots, but corn on the cob is one of my favorite foods. This salad uses a delicious combination of grilled corn, parmesean and avocado to dress up a traditional pairing of chicken and spinach. Be sure to try this recipe while you can still buy corn at your local farmer’s market.


Wedding Awards

I read numerous wedding blogs, and each week I come across so many beautiful and creative weddings. Rather than provide a link to those blog posts in my Weekend Links, I wanted to directly showcase what I think is the best part of each wedding. I’ve titled this blog series Wedding Awards not because I think couples should try to outdo each other when planning their weddings, but rather because the following weddings earn gold stars in my book for their creativity and stunning details. I hope the following images inspire you as well!


Outfitted: Wedding Guest Attire

When deciding what to wear to a wedding, take into consideration the season, wedding location, time of day, and style of the reception. Guest attire guidelines include suggestions ranging from an informal daytime celebration to a formal evening affair. If the wedding invitation doesn’t specifically state the attire (Casual, Formal, Black Tie, etc) take note of the invitation’s typography, style and language choice.

When attending an evening wedding, guests should choose clothing similar to what they’d wear for a dinner or event out. Men are expected to wear suits unless the invite specifies black tie. Women should dress in sophisticated attire and carry an evening bag rather than a purse.

Requests for casual attire can be the most confusing. When in doubt, ask the couple or the wedding planner, and always err on the side of overdressing. Women can wear a skirt with a blouse or a casual dress. Try to avoid rich fabrics and trims that look too glitzy.

Although the old rule of avoiding white still holds true, black has become an acceptable color to wear as long as the clothing item is in an ornate rather than somber style. Think about punching up the black with colorful pins, jewelry or scarves. Stay away from jeans, revealing styles and torn/stained clothing. If your dress is sleeveless/strapless and the ceremony is held in a church, bring a cardigan or wrap to cover your shoulders.

For a full list of wedding attire suggestions, check out Emily Post’s (the queen of etiquette) guidelines.


Sister Act: Two Weddings in 8 months

My sister, Lindsay, and I are twenty months apart. We were best friends as adolescents, and in high school, we wavered between cross country teammates and mortal enemies battling over Maybeline eye shadow. Once Lindsay left for college, we melded back into a symbiotic relationship based on mutual experiences and hobbies. It wasn’t surprising that we got engaged around the same time, and I have always been more than excited that our weddings are eight months apart.

Aves Photography

Some brides might feel that their wedding is their time to shine, and that there should be a metaphorical (or physical) spotlight on them the entire day. In my opinion, weddings are about sharing your happiness and joy with your friends and family members, so I have enjoyed getting to share this special planning experience with my sister.

As much as we’re alike, we’re also very different. Those differences have made our duel-planning more interesting and all the more fun. I have had the chance to brainstorm decor for Rich and my floral whimsy wedding while designing Andrew and Lindsay’s Parisian chic wedding. I don’t want to give away too much, but you can expect lots of mood boards and pictures in future posts!

Via Bippity Boppity Boo

Even though we’ve enjoyed sharing our ideas, there are a few things to keep in mind if you and your sibling’s weddings are close together.

  • Listen to one another’s ideas – You’ll receive better feedback if you know you’re both willing to help the other person out.
  • Spend time doing activities unrelated to the weddings – Once the wedding days get close, you’ll realize that your lives will revolve around your upcoming nuptials. Enjoy each other’s company while you still have free time. You can always hire a wedding planner to help relieve stress too! 🙂
  • Figure out what works for your style, budget, and personality – Don’t compare your wedding to your sibling’s event and stick to what you love best!

Via We Heart It

I think both Lindsay and my fiance have come to understand the importance our relationship . We have countless inside jokes and shared memories, and I want nothing more to continue to grow together and create new memories.

I love you Winny!