Personal - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events


Shop Our Living Room

I’ve been promising this post for awhile now. I’ve finally compiled a list of all of the stores I shopped to decorate our living room, dining room, entry, and my office. If you have a question about a specific product, leave a comment below!


I’m hoping to post more before and after photos soon, but check out our Style Me Pretty Living feature here.


Two Years

Two years ago I married my wonderful husband.


Soon after Rich told me he loved me (almost five years ago) and I told him I loved him in return, I realized that statement didn’t feel strong enough to truly express my feelings. When I think about my husband, an overwhelming rush of emotions floods my heart. I tell him I love him all of the time (I proudly wear my heart on my sleeve like my other family members), but I also tell him “You are my favorite” because it’s the only sentiment I have found that most accurately describes how much he means to me. He is my everything. and my clients fuel my creativity and love for problem solving, but Rich grounds me in everything else that I do. He is my favorite source of laughter, support system, travel partner, snuggle buddy, dining companion …. my favorite everything.

So Richard – Thank you for being my favorite. I can’t wait to celebrate many more anniversaries with you (and eat at The Grey Plume year after year)

Love Always,


Thank you Megan Pomeroy for our photo.



Our Open House

Rich and I have been working on renovating our living room, dining room, and entry (with the help of our wonderful parents) since we moved into our new home almost 8 months ago. We decided to have an open house to celebrate completing our first project, so we invited our friends and family over last weekend for ice cream, cupcakes, cocktails, and Rich’s home brew.


A huge thank you to Angela Garbacz for baking such wonderful treats, Cheryl Dyer for hand-lettering our invitations, Jenna Spurlin for the photos, and Inclosed for printing/designing/letterpressing our adorable invites.

I promise to post photos of our renovation soon!


A very special birthday

{a href="" target="_blank"}Photo by Brighten{/a}

I couldn’t resist telling everyone that today is my husband’s 26th birthday. Many of you know that Rich’s unwavering patience and ability to live in-the-moment perfectly balances my hectic lifestyle, but a lot of you don’t know that Rich is the main reason I started and left my job as a front-end developer. He gave me the confidence I needed to take the biggest risk of my life, and each day I get to do what I love because I know I have the best support system constantly by my side. He’s there for each milestone and celebration, but most importantly he’s there to comfort me for every bump in the road.

Richard, I love you very much, and I’m so lucky that we have a lifetime of adventures ahead of us. Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthdays!

I turned 24 yesterday, and I want to thank everyone for the warm birthday wishes on facebook and twitter. It’s been an amazing year full of adventure – I started my own business and married my favorite person in the entire world. I’m so excited for what life will bring this upcoming year.

It’s my mom’s birthday today. We had a surprise 50th birthday party for her on Friday, and you can read all about it here! Happy Birthday Mom! I LOVE YOU!



Red Hair and Explosions in the Sky

Rich and I went to the Explosions in the Sky concert last night at the Uptown Theater in Kansas City. We left work at 4:30 p.m. and got home around 2:30 a.m. I purchased the tickets for Rich’s 25th birthday. Their music is completely instrumental: three guitarists and one drummer. No vocals. Just beautiful music. They refer to their songs as “cathartic mini-symphonies”.

We were hoping they’d play So Long, Lonesome, our first dance song at our wedding, but it wasn’t in their set list. You can listen to our song below.

I also wanted to share a picture of my post-wedding hair. I decided to go red and about five inches shorter. The red is actually pretty subtle. It’s most noticeable in daylight, so I took a picture while we were driving. It’s definitely a fun change!