Sister Act: Two Weddings in 8 months - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

Sister Act: Two Weddings in 8 months

Sister Act: Two Weddings in 8 months

My sister, Lindsay, and I are twenty months apart. We were best friends as adolescents, and in high school, we wavered between cross country teammates and mortal enemies battling over Maybeline eye shadow. Once Lindsay left for college, we melded back into a symbiotic relationship based on mutual experiences and hobbies. It wasn’t surprising that we got engaged around the same time, and I have always been more than excited that our weddings are eight months apart.

Aves Photography

Some brides might feel that their wedding is their time to shine, and that there should be a metaphorical (or physical) spotlight on them the entire day. In my opinion, weddings are about sharing your happiness and joy with your friends and family members, so I have enjoyed getting to share this special planning experience with my sister.

As much as we’re alike, we’re also very different. Those differences have made our duel-planning more interesting and all the more fun. I have had the chance to brainstorm decor for Rich and my floral whimsy wedding while designing Andrew and Lindsay’s Parisian chic wedding. I don’t want to give away too much, but you can expect lots of mood boards and pictures in future posts!

Via Bippity Boppity Boo

Even though we’ve enjoyed sharing our ideas, there are a few things to keep in mind if you and your sibling’s weddings are close together.

  • Listen to one another’s ideas – You’ll receive better feedback if you know you’re both willing to help the other person out.
  • Spend time doing activities unrelated to the weddings – Once the wedding days get close, you’ll realize that your lives will revolve around your upcoming nuptials. Enjoy each other’s company while you still have free time. You can always hire a wedding planner to help relieve stress too! 🙂
  • Figure out what works for your style, budget, and personality – Don’t compare your wedding to your sibling’s event and stick to what you love best!

Via We Heart It

I think both Lindsay and my fiance have come to understand the importance our relationship . We have countless inside jokes and shared memories, and I want nothing more to continue to grow together and create new memories.

I love you Winny!

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