Websites - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events


Karlyn Music Website

Karly Jurgensen is an incredibly talented musician and vocalist, and I’ve gotten to know her through the various events and weddings she has performed at. Karly approached me this past spring to redesign and code her website, and I jumped at the opportunity. I was able to help style her photo shoot with Daniel Muller earlier that year, so I was excited to create a home for her wonderful photos and library of music. Check out a few screen shots below, and visit the website at



0 Website Redesign

I have been working on updating our website and brand image for the past few months. I knew we needed a fresh and sophisticated logo and website that would compliment our design style and the experience we provide our clients. I’ll post more about our new logo in the next few weeks, but I wanted to share the new features and look of our website with all of your first.

I wanted to website to look clean, natural, and feminine. Here’s an image of the homepage: Website Redesign

Our services page includes all of the information about our new wedding packages. Website Redesign

I love our new portfolio page too. It includes images of some of our favorite projects as well as testimonials from our clients. Website Redesign

Our blog needed a lot of work. I wanted to include more social media interaction, so I added the Instagram feed on the sidebar and Pinterest hover buttons on all of the images. Website Redesign

Please explore the website. We hope you like it!


Inclosed Website Redesign

I’ve been meaning to blog about Inclosed‘s amazing website redesign for awhile now. It seems like the perfect time to share this beautiful website (developed by What Cheer) as I’m prepping to launch my new site tomorrow. Lesley’s website really showcases Inclosed’s design and letterpress skills.

Take some time to play around with this website. I LOVE that Inclosed now offers online customization. They have so many adorable options to choose from and you can customize the fonts and colors to exactly what you want. To borrow a phrase from Lesley – It’s so stink’n cute!

inclosed website redesign


The Site is LIVE!

I finally finished the website, and I wanted to share it with all of you! I designed the site to be clean and fun to explore.

You can view my past projects in the My Work section. Just click one of the thumbnails to look through all of the event pictures in a lightbox. I have multiple projects lined up for the fall and winter, so check back often to see more of my work.

You can also read about’s wedding services and baseline package prices. Every wedding is custom designed and created, therefore design prices range depending on each client. Pricing is always established using a menu format allowing you to select which aspects you are most comfortable with. Pricing for planning services varies due to size, details and location of the wedding. Contact me for more information about our service offerings.

You can also contact me using the simple form on the website.