Fit Fridays: Slimmed Down Dessert - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

Fit Fridays: Slimmed Down Dessert

Fit Fridays: Slimmed Down Dessert

As you may remember in my last post, I talked about the 80/20 rule and how you can have your cake and enjoy it too.

  • Happy Weekend | Lovestruck Social Events

    November 11, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    […] and I have made cookies with avocados, but I tried making them with chickpeas last night! Delicious and […]

  • […] avocado as a fat replacement in your baking. You may remember me boasting about my avocado chocolate chip cookies in a previous post. In general, you can substitute 1 cup of mashed avocado for 1 cup of butter and […]