To Bapi: Happy Father's Day - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

To Bapi: Happy Father's Day

To Bapi: Happy Father's Day


A photo of my dad after he received the Teacher of the Year Award. Photo by Bob Bair

To the man who would cook dinner, fold clothes, and help me practice for my spelling tests all at the same time

To the man who sang to me in the morning to help me wake me up

To the man who taught me that character is all about being true to yourself

To the man who could light his hand on fire and make a “rainbow connection” (Chemistry is Cool!)

To the man whose heart is both kind and playful

To the man who taught me “it’s hip to be square”

To the man who will walk me down the aisle in 11 short weeks

Happy Fathers Day! I love you!

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