Planning a Wedding in 4 Days….. - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

Planning a Wedding in 4 Days…..

Planning a Wedding in 4 Days…..

Last Monday, I received an email from a woman in Colorado asking to help coordinate her wedding in Iowa on Friday (yep that’s right, four days later…). Sensing the distress in her email, I jumped at the opportunity to help her. The couple was simply focused on getting married, so I worked with the Iowa County Clerk to coordinate the ceremony with a judge and make sure they had fulfilled all of the requirements for a marriage license.

No matter how big or small an event, it gives me so much satisfaction knowing that I helped a couple to achieve a huge milestone in their lives. I wish them all the best!

Rich and I had a fun weekend. We each tried different selections from the three-course menu at Bread and Cup, and we kept score on who picked the best from each course. Rich won with the best appetizer (caprese salad) and dessert (bacon ice cream), but my eggplant parmesean with pesto beat out his beef short rib for best entree. Rich took me to Harry Potter on Sunday. I’m proud to admit that I bawled my eyes out. Who wants to go see it with me again!?

Speaking of emotions, I have spent the last couple of weeks gathering pictures for our wedding slideshow. As I was grouping pictures together, I ran across this combination, and I couldn’t stop laughing. Can anyone tell which one is Rich and which one is me…? Some of you know that I was haunted by the bowl-cut as a child, and I think the picture below explains why.

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner rich-candace-cowboys

Rich and Candace? or… Candace and Rich?

1 Comment
  • Mom

    July 18, 2011 at 11:06 pm

    Candace, thinking that your mom and dad met at the Cowboy Bar in Larimie Wyoming, I think these pictures just reflect the cowboy (girl) theme. Also, I’ve heard of couples looking more and more like each other as they age, but not as toddlers before they ever meet. I guess it just suggests destinty. You and Rich were meant to be together and ride off into the sunset.