Outfitted: Zara launches U.S. online shop - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

Outfitted: Zara launches U.S. online shop

Outfitted: Zara launches U.S. online shop

I first discovered Zara when I was living in Barcelona in 2007. Most of the clothing I purchased on my study abroad trip came from this Spanish clothing and accessories retailer. There were free-standing stores in almost every shopping center in Spain, and some stores were mere blocks away from each other.

The US got their first Zara stores in New York (and later Chicago) two or three years after I returned from Europe. It wasn’t until yesterday when Zara launched their US online shop that those of us in smaller metropolitian areas could shop the brand as well. I had the launch date marked on my calendar for about a month, so I immediately browsed the collection yesterday morning. Here are my favorite Zara finds:

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner zara-shirts

Zara Shirts

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner zara-shoes

Zara Shoes and Accessories

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner zara-skirts

Zara Skirts

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner zara-pants

Zara Pants

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner zara-jackets

Zara Jackets

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