His and Hers Sweets: Herbaceous Holiday Treats - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

His and Hers Sweets: Herbaceous Holiday Treats

His and Hers Sweets: Herbaceous Holiday Treats

Herbaceous is one my favorite words. I love subtle hints of fresh herbs in savory meals and cocktails, and one of the reasons I love Angela’s pastries so much, is that she has perfected mixing traditional dessert ingredients with nontraditional elements such as herbs.

One of my favorite food memories was tasting a mint macaron from Pierre Herme in Paris. I was skeptical as we waited in a long line outside of the crowded patisserie to pay $4 a macaron, but each bite was an explosion of the freshest, coolest, most delicate mint flavor. It was crazy good!

Now onto this month’s blog series post….


About the Pastries (from Angela):  I always know that Candace is going to find a really unique way to style whatever they’re doing, so there’s no way I could stick to exact holiday classics for this. I love rugelach, but it’s sometimes lost in the hustle and bustle of pies and other traditional holiday cookies. My best friend makes it every year and is a rugelach master, so she was my inspiration. I added in rosemary for this herbaceous theme – but just enough to make it fragrant. The pear upside-down cake, I think, is so sexy and lovely. I just love the shape of the pears on top and the deep color of the cake. With a hint of fresh sage, everyone knows there’s something else in there, but, again, it’s just enough to make it fragrant. Now, cozy up and be merry!


About the Styling: Angela’s pastries are always as delicious to look at as they are to eat, so I decided to trim a tree made of evergreen and herb sprigs with her pristine but rustic little packages of pastry goodness. My family used to deliver holiday gifts of handmade baked goods to family friends, so following that tradition, we packaged up Angela’s pastries using hand-painted wrapping paper and snowflake gingerbread cookie embellishments. These sweets are perfect for cozying up with loved ones with a cup of hot cocoa or tea, so we convinced my husband to hand model for us. Happy Holidays!


PastrySeries_11_005Photos by Jenny Rawson

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