Our Wedding: The Ceremony - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

Our Wedding: The Ceremony

Our Wedding: The Ceremony

I spent many sleepless nights worrying that I would be anxious and stressed on our wedding day. I had accounted for every last detail, but I knew unexpected road blocks could easily arise. I climbed into bed the night before our wedding, watched some random TV and drifted to sleep. I woke up ready to take on whatever the day would bring. After Lindsay and I began preparing the bridal suite for hair and makeup, I got a call from my dad asking about the venue set up. I knew it would be easier to answer his questions in person, so I left my bridesmaids at the hotel and drove over to our venue, 1316 Jones Street, in downtown Omaha.

What happened next was unforgettable. I encountered our venue swarming with friends and family members actively decorating for our wedding. I literally ran from the ceremony room to the front entrance to the dance floor and back answering questions. I was amazed at how everyone wanted to make sure the decor was placed according to my plans. It was finally all coming together right in front of me, and it was exactly as I had sketched it up and envisioned it in my head months prior. I was surrounded by an overwhelming feeling of warmth and love, and it is a memory I will cherish forever.

Once I got back to the bridal suite at the Magnolia Hotel, I drank some champagne and chatted with the girls as we had our makeup applied and our hair done. I didn’t notice how calm and relaxed I was until we stood in our “holding cell” (the liquor closet at 1316 Jones Street) waiting for the ceremony to begin . I noticed my bridesmaids were shifting their feet and bouncing around as their nerves took over, but I was calm, serene and present. I listened to my talented Uncle John play The Luckiest by Ben Folds on the piano. I remember listening to all of the chords and soaking in the music. After the wedding, I jokingly questioned all of my bridesmaids about whether they had drugged me. Everyone around me thought I was strangely calm, but I was ready for what was next. Marrying Rich was a natural progression in our relationship. Every part of me knew it was just right.

My Uncle Brad, who graciously coordinated/conducted our ceremony, lined up the wedding party at the back of the ceremony room, and the Processional started as John played Clair de Lune. My dad and I waited for the wedding party to walk up the aisle and John transitioned to Hoppipolla by Sigur Ros. I told my dad I wanted to wait at the back of the ceremony room for 20-30 seconds, so I could hear as much of the song as possible.

Rich and I went to a Sigur Ros concert together at the Orpheum a few years ago. A huge stormed moved in just before the concert started, and they moved all the guests to the dressing rooms in the basement of the Theater. It was hot and muggy as everyone crowded into the tiny rooms, but the band surprised everyone with an impromptu concert as they marched around the winding hallways between dressing rooms. It was honestly one of the coolest things I’ve ever expereince, and I was so happy to share that memory with Rich. There was never a doubt we would incorporate Sigur Ros into our wedding.

Our ceremony was short and sweet. My dad’s brother, Mike, agreed to become ordained so he could officiate our wedding. His big heart and larger-than-life personality brought so much love and meaning to our ceremony. Rich and I each picked a reading to be recited. I asked my aunt Michelle to read I carry your heart with me by EE Cummings. Michelle is one of my role models. She is the most patient and loving mother, and as having children is important to Rich and me, I wanted to have her influence in our ceremony.

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it

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