Our Wedding: The Rehearsal Dinner + Video - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

Our Wedding: The Rehearsal Dinner + Video

Our Wedding: The Rehearsal Dinner + Video

My in-laws graciously hosted our rehearsal dinner at their home in Omaha. We ate delicious chicken, brisket and honey cornbread muffins (my special request).

It was really important to us to thank the numerous people involved in our wedding. We were so fortunate to have so many talented friends and family members act as the officiant, florist and musicians for our big day. We wrote a little toast for each person in attendance. We were so overwhelmed with the joy and love around us that Rich and I couldn’t even get through the first thank you without sobbing.

Luke Holoubek, the videographer that captured our wedding, made a slideshow that we debuted at the rehearsal dinner. I didn’t want the presentation to have slides featuring only pictures of Rich or only pictures of me because then it would look like something you’d see at a graduation reception, so I had Luke group our pictures side-by-side. We ended up having a lot of similar pictures. Luke also weaved in footage he shot during our engagement session with Brighten. Check out the video below (my favorite part is the last 5 seconds):

Candace and Rich – Slideshow from Luke Holoubek on Vimeo.

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