Our Wedding: The e-stationery - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

Our Wedding: The e-stationery

Our Wedding: The e-stationery

Like I mentioned yesterday, we sent out all of our wedding communications via email and our website. We decided to use MailChimp to create email campaigns for our save-the-dates, invitations, and wedding reminder emails. By using this service, we could track who opened our emails and which links they clicked on. Unlike regular mail, we were able to make sure all of our communication pieces were being sent to the right place and were being opened. This paperless approach does not work for all weddings. We had a very small guest list, and over 60% of our guests were under the age of thirty and tech-savvy.

I have nothing against paper stationary. In fact, I’m a little obsessed with it. When I have meetings with Lesley from Inclosed, I explore her shop like a museum. All of the colors, patterns and textures are so remarkable. This art form/traditional wedding correspondence is the way to go for the majority of weddings.

I included the invitation and save the date I designed for our wedding. You can see the invitation has the same cohesive design elements as the wedsite.

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner invite_FINAL

Wedding Invitation designed by me

And here is our save the date animation for those of you who didn’t see it during the Gem Photo Competition.

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner save-the-datesave-the-date

Wedding Save the Date

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