Wedding Woes - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

Wedding Woes

Wedding Woes

As a business owner and blogger, I want to inspire my clients and readers to create unique and memorable events. Most people know that planning weddings isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. Not only are you coordinating the biggest event of your life, you’re bringing together two families with different expectations and financial situations.

I decided to write a blog series called Wedding Woes to highlight some of the uncomfortable and stressful parts of event planning in hopes to better prepare you to deal with or even avoid these unpleasant situations. If you find yourself in a wedding pickle, email me with your questions, and I’d be happy to help you using my knowledge of conflict resolution and etiquette.

I’m going to start with a topic that hits close to home, so (WARNING!) we’re about to get all personal up in here.

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