Happy Weekend! - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend!

{a href="http://www.stephmodo.com/2011/06/mini-strawberry-rhubarb-basil-crumbles.html" target="_blank"}Mini Strawberry, Rhubarb + Basil Crumbles via Stephmodo{/a}

I’m obsessed with rhubarb. I made rhubarb compote last weekend and ate the whole batch within three days. I really need a garden, so I can grow it. Did you know you have to wait two to three years to harvest rhubarb? I don’t think I’m that patient….

Another week has come to a close! I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and getting a much-needed haircut.


1 Comment
  • Melanie

    June 26, 2011 at 3:21 am

    I love how mini those crumbles are. And, I think Ames looks like Harry Conick Jr. This is not me admitting I actually watch that show.