A Quick Hello - Wedding Design and Production Company- Lovestruck Events

A Quick Hello

A Quick Hello

Omaha, Nebraska Wedding Planner

{a href="http://emmalinebride.com/cake/cupcakes-in-flower-pots/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+EBBLOG+%28Emmaline+Bride%29" target="_blank"} Image: Emmaline Bride {/a}

These cupcakes encased in mini terra cotta pots would be the perfect dessert for a bridal shower or garden-themed wedding. I love it when people think of creative ways to use ordinary materials.

I apologize for the short post today. I have been finishing a free-lance project over the last couple of days, and it’s proving to be very time consuming. On top of being an event planner, I’m also an interactive developer (in plain English: I make websites). I’ll show you some of the sites I’ve designed and developed next week. In the meantime, you can look forward to a Fit Friday and Happy Weekend post tomorrow!

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